Monday, May 10, 2010


Early morning, up and packed for the off to Scotland.

Luckily its only 4 quick tube stops to Kings Cross for the East Coast train to Edinburgh.

I had been convinced (easily) to try 1st Class travel for the first time. It was grand! Complimentary tea and coffees, biscuits and newspapers. Travelling with the businessman crowd is much better too, sensible use of phones, low volume talking on them and lack of annoying ringtones. Silence most of the trip, as they mostly tapped away at Blackberries and Laptops....while I battled with Jet lag.

The train journey North is very scenic, moving through the lush Green fields of England, punctuated with small towns and villages. Its not until you pass near the Borders that it really gets stunning, with green rolling fields covered in gorse and dotted with sheep and newly born lambs.

The train line also kisses the coast and with the sun shining, it really is glorious, sand coloured cliffs and the blue of the ocean, reminiscent of Sydney really!

Arrival into Edinburgh, and Rory greets me at the station. First stop, bacon sandwich and coffee!

Its great to see Rory, Sarah and Cameron again. Cameron is now 4 and is a confident young boy with an inquisitive nature and well mannered disposition. It's good to be back.

Catching up and enjoying quiet time in the suburbs. I play my first Scaletrix and enjoy a freezing cold but scenically spectacular bike ride on Tony's Pina around the base of the Forth Road Bridge and the suburbs surrounding, including some hills, of course.


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