Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve was a funny one this year, for one I was not in Sydney.

Here in chilly 10C Hong Kong it was a working day as normal.

The previous night was horrid as I had had a huge thumping headache. Solution? 2 Panadol before bed.


In Hong Kong the Panadol all seems to include Caffeine as an active ingredient. I suppose this make most sense as people want to keep working at their desks through the pain.

I was dog tired, yet my mind was racing, I was unable to sleep until about 4am!!!

The family had organised a wonderful buffet dinner in town, so I was able to experience the hussle and bustle of NYE in Hong Kong! Crowds upon crowds of excited people rugged up in dark winter clothing making their way to see fireworks and enjoy the waves of humanity out enjoying life and celebrating being in Hong Kong. Wonderful.


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